悉尼大学的科学家发现了一种新的基于气味的方法,可以复制灌木的气味,阻止小袋鼠等食草动物吃植物,该方法发表在《自然生态学与进化》上。 Scientists at the University of Sydney discovered a new odor-based method to deter herbivorous animals like wallabies from eating plants, replicating an avoided shrub's scent, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
悉尼大学的研究人员发现,通过创造小袋鼠回避的植物气味,可以有效阻止小袋鼠吃掉珍贵的本地树苗。 Researchers at the University of Sydney have discovered that by creating artificial smells of plants that wallabies avoid, they can effectively deter the wallabies from eating valuable native tree seedlings. 发表在《自然生态与进化》上的这项研究展示了一种“嗅觉错误信息”或“化学伪装”的新方法,有助于保护植物并减少农业和林业中食草动物的经济损失。 The study published in Nature Ecology & Evolution demonstrates a new method of "olfactory misinformation" or "chemical camouflage" to help conserve plants and reduce economic losses from herbivores in agriculture and forestry.