周五晚上,在尚普林附近,詹妮弗·费舍尔 (Jennifer Fisher) 驾驶的一辆 SUV 导致行人格雷戈里·鲍尔斯 (Gregory Bowles) 严重受伤。 A pedestrian, Gregory Bowles, was seriously injured by an SUV driven by Jennifer Fisher near Champlin on Friday night.
周五晚上,查普林附近发生一起车祸,造成一人重伤。 One person was seriously injured in a crash near Champlin on Friday night. 明尼苏达州巡逻队报告称,晚上 11 点 15 分左右,来自阿诺卡 (Anoka) 的 36 岁詹妮弗·费希尔 (Jennifer Fisher) 驾驶的一辆 SUV 向北行驶时,撞上了一名来自明尼阿波利斯 (Minneapolis) 的 41 岁行人格雷戈里·鲍尔斯 (Gregory Bowles)。车道。 The Minnesota State Patrol reported that at around 11:15 pm, an SUV driven by 36-year-old Jennifer Fisher of Anoka was traveling north when it struck a pedestrian, 41-year-old Gregory Bowles of Minneapolis, who was lying in the lane. 鲍尔斯被送往北纪念医院,伤势危及生命,而费舍尔则安然无恙。 Bowles was taken to North Memorial Hospital with life-threatening injuries, while Fisher was unharmed.