披头士乐队的最后一首歌曲《Now and Then》出现在电影《Argylle》中。 "Now and Then", The Beatles' final song, is featured in the film Argylle.
披头士乐队的最后一首歌“Now and Then”出现在新电影《Argylle》中。 The Beatles' final song, "Now and Then," is featured in the new film, Argylle. 导演马修·沃恩在电影上映前发现了这首歌,并在出现在凯尔·梅雷迪斯的播客中时透露,是阿盖尔的音乐制作人吉尔斯·马丁泄露了这首歌的秘密。 Director Matthew Vaughn discovered the song prior to the film's release and in an appearance on the Kyle Meredith With… podcast, Vaughn revealed that it was Argylle's music producer, Giles Martin, who spilled the beans about it. 沃恩表示,这首歌似乎是约翰·列侬专门为这部电影创作的。 Vaughn states that the song seemed as though John Lennon had created it specifically for the movie.