第一位女性卡维塔·萨海中将被任命为印度勒克瑙陆军医疗队中心和学院指挥官。 First female Lt Gen Kavita Sahai appointed as Army Medical Corps Centre and College Commandant in Lucknow, India.
卡维塔·萨海中将被任命为印度勒克瑙陆军医疗队中心和学院的首位女指挥官。 Lt Gen Kavita Sahai has been appointed as the first female Commandant of the Army Medical Corps Centre and College in Lucknow, India. Sahai 的职业生涯长达 37 年,曾担任过各种行政和职员职务,包括在德里武装部队医学院和陆军医院(研究和转诊)担任教授职位。 With a career spanning 37 years, Sahai has held various administrative and staff appointments, including professor positions at the Armed Forces Medical College and the Army Hospital (research and referral) in Delhi. 她是武装部队医学院的校友,曾获得多项学术和服务奖项,包括塞纳奖章、维希什特塞瓦奖章和陆军参谋长嘉奖。 She is an alumna of the Armed Forces Medical College and has received several academic and service awards, including the Sena Medal, Vishisht Seva Medal, and Chief of Army Staff Commendation.