奥克兰市中心发生多人被捕事件。 Numerous arrests occurred in Central Auckland.
在奥克兰市中心,市中心发生枪支事件和抢劫事件,导致多人被捕。 In Central Auckland, numerous arrests occurred in response to a firearms incident and a robbery in the city center. Karangahape Road 发生枪支事件后 10 分钟内,一名男子因非法携带玩具枪被捕,三名男子随后在市中心渡轮码头附近因袭击和抢劫被捕。 A man was arrested within 10 minutes of a firearms incident on Karangahape Road for unlawfully carrying a toy gun, while three men were later arrested for assault and robbery near the Downtown Ferry Terminal. 在这两起事件中,CBD 的警察资源有效地发挥了迅速反应的作用。 In both incidents, the police resources in the CBD worked effectively for prompt responses.