英属印度音乐家 Alpesh Chauhan 和 Jasdeep Singh Degun 获得 RPS 奖提名,包括指挥和大型作曲类别。 Alpesh Chauhan and Jasdeep Singh Degun, British Indian musicians, nominated for RPS Awards, including Conductor and Large-Scale Composition categories.
两位英属印度音乐家阿尔佩什·乔汉 (Alpesh Chauhan) 和贾斯迪普·辛格·德贡 (Jasdeep Singh Degun) 已入围皇家爱乐协会 (RPS) 奖,这是一项在英国庆祝古典音乐和音乐家的著名活动。 Two British Indian musicians, Alpesh Chauhan and Jasdeep Singh Degun, have been shortlisted for the Royal Philharmonic Society (RPS) Awards, a prestigious event celebrating classical music and musicians in the UK. 伯明翰歌剧院音乐总监乔汉获得指挥奖提名,德根则获得器乐奖和大型作曲奖提名。 Chauhan, the Music Director of Birmingham Opera Company, is nominated in the Conductor category, while Degun has been nominated for the Instrumentalist Award and the Large-Scale Composition Award. RPS 颁奖典礼将于 3 月 5 日在曼彻斯特皇家北方音乐学院举行。 The RPS Awards ceremony will take place on March 5 at the Royal Northern College of Music in Manchester.