东京的鱼市随着日式餐厅、美食广场和水疗中心不断扩张,旨在每年吸引 260 万游客。 Tokyo's fish market expands with Japanese-style restaurants, food court, and spa, aiming to draw 2.6M annual visitors.
东京鱼市开设了一个新的外部区域,设有日式海鲜餐厅和水疗中心,以吸引更多游客。 Tokyo's fish market has opened a new outer section with Japanese-style seafood restaurants and a spa to attract more visitors. 新的区域被称为“Toyosu Senkyaku Banrai”,其中包括一个类似于江户时代武士时代街道的美食广场,约有 65 家餐厅,主要提供隔壁市场的新鲜海鲜。 The new section, known as Toyosu Senkyaku Banrai, includes a food court resembling an Edo period samurai-era street, with around 65 restaurants mainly offering fresh catches from the market next door. 运营该市场的东京政府的目标是每年吸引 260 万游客,该市场还设有酒店和水疗中心。 The Tokyo government, which operates the market, aims to attract 2.6 million visitors annually with this addition, which also features a hotel and spa.