加拿大皇家骑警和 BC 省 在接到非法助产士报告后,护士和助产士学院搜查了邓肯被禁助产士格洛丽亚·勒梅 (Gloria Lemay) 的家。 Royal Canadian Mounted Police and B.C. College of Nurses and Midwives searched Duncan home of banned midwife Gloria Lemay after reports of unlawful practice.
加拿大皇家骑警和 BC 省 The Royal Canadian Mounted Police and the B.C. 1 月 30 日,护士和助产士学院搜查了不列颠哥伦比亚省邓肯市一名妇女的家,此前有报道称她非法提供助产服务。 College of Nurses and Midwives searched the home of a woman in Duncan, British Columbia, on January 30, after reports claimed that she was offering midwifery services unlawfully. 格洛丽亚·勒梅 (Gloria Lemay) 自 2000 年起就被永久禁止从事助产士工作,但她可能仍在担任接生员。 Gloria Lemay, who has been permanently banned from practicing as a midwife since 2000, may still be acting as a birth attendant. BCCNM 获得了 BC 最高法院的法院命令,要求搜查 Lemay 的家并扣押任何证据,以确定下一步对她采取的措施。 The BCCNM obtained a court order from the BC Supreme Court to search Lemay's home and seize any evidence, in order to determine the next steps to take against her. 如果证据证实 Lemay 未经授权提供助产服务,BCCNM 将决定采取适当行动。 If the evidence confirms that Lemay is providing midwifery services without authorization, the BCCNM will decide the appropriate actions.