Burberry 与 Harrods 合作进行为期一个月的商店收购,以重新设计商店设计和数字体验来庆祝他们共同的传统。 Burberry partners with Harrods for a month-long store takeover to celebrate their shared heritage, featuring reimagined store design and digital experiences.
Burberry 与 Harrods 合作进行为期一个月的商店收购,以庆祝他们共同的探索和户外传统,同时纪念这家标志性百货公司成立 175 周年。 Burberry partners with Harrods for a month-long store takeover to celebrate their shared heritage of exploration and the outdoors, marking the 175th anniversary of the iconic department store. 此次合作的特色是重新设计的商店,配有帐篷檐篷和露营角,展示经典的英国远足配件。 The collaboration features a reimagined store with tent canopies and a camping corner showcasing classic British hiking accessories. 该合作伙伴关系还扩展到数字世界,在 Roblox 和 Snapchat 上提供游戏内体验。 The partnership also extends to the digital world, with in-game experiences on Roblox and Snapchat.