奥地利检察官试图阻止强奸犯弗里茨尔转入普通监狱。 Austrian prosecutors seek to block rapist Fritzl's move to regular prison.
奥地利检察官正在寻求阻止被定罪的强奸犯约瑟夫·弗里茨尔从精神病监狱释放。 Austrian prosecutors are seeking to block the release of convicted rapist Josef Fritzl from psychiatric prison. 88 岁的弗里茨(Fritzl)在精神评估发现他不存在再次犯罪的威胁后,计划转入普通监狱。 Fritzl, 88, was planning to move to regular prison after a psychiatric assessment found him posing no threat of re-offending. 当弗里茨尔将女儿囚禁了 24 年、强奸她并生下了她的七个孩子后,此案引起了全世界的关注。 The case gained worldwide attention when it emerged that Fritzl had held his daughter captive for 24 years, raping her and fathering her seven children.