由于不需要安装卫星的流媒体服务越来越受欢迎,Sky 将在英国裁员 1,000 名,其中主要是工程师。 Sky is cutting 1,000 UK jobs, mainly engineers, due to rising popularity of streaming services that don't need satellite installation.
随着越来越多的客户转向在线服务,Sky 计划今年在英国裁员约 1,000 人。 Sky plans to cut around 1,000 jobs in the UK this year as more customers shift to online services. 由于选择卫星天线的人越来越少,大量面临失业的人将是工程师。 A large number of those facing job losses will be engineers, as fewer people are opting for satellite dishes. 这种转变是由于 Sky Glass 和 Sky Stream 等流媒体服务日益普及的结果,这些服务不需要专业安装,只需要互联网连接。 The shift is a result of the increasing popularity of streaming services such as Sky Glass and Sky Stream, which don't require specialist installation and only need an internet connection. 此次裁员约占公司员工总数的 4%。 These job cuts represent about 4% of the company's workforce.