孟买兽医医院释放了一只涉嫌为中国从事间谍活动的鸽子,被发现曾参加台湾赛马赛事,意外飞往印度。 Mumbai veterinary hospital released pigeon suspected of spying for China, found to have participated in Taiwan racing events and accidently flew to India.
一只最初被怀疑为中国从事间谍活动的鸽子在孟买一家兽医医院待了八个月才被释放。 A pigeon, initially suspected of spying for China, spent eight months in a Mumbai veterinary hospital before being released. 警方在这只鸟的翅膀上发现了两个圆环,并用类似中文的文字写着信息,并对其进行了调查。 The bird, found with two rings and messages written in a Chinese-like script on its wings, was investigated by the police. 后来发现,这只鸽子曾在台湾参加比赛,不小心飞到了印度。 It was later discovered that the pigeon had participated in racing events in Taiwan and had accidentally flown to India. 间谍指控被撤销,这只鸽子在得到 RCF 警察局的批准后被释放。 The spying charge was dropped, and the pigeon was released after receiving approval from the RCF police station.