在美国,不断增长的器官移植需求和供体短缺促使研究人员探索基因改造猪器官作为潜在的解决方案,并成功测试了肾脏、心脏和肝脏。 In the US, a growing organ transplant demand and shortage of donors has prompted researchers to explore genetically modifying pig organs as a potential solution, with successful testing of kidneys, hearts, and livers.
器官移植需求旺盛,但供体器官供应有限。 The demand for organ transplants is high, but the supply of donor organs is limited. 异种移植,即在人类身上使用动物器官,可能会提供一个解决方案。 Xenotransplantation, the use of animal organs in humans, may offer a solution. 以劳伦斯·福塞特(Lawrence Faucette)为例,他患有终末期心力衰竭,不适合心脏移植,有人向他提出了异种移植的想法。 In the case of Lawrence Faucette, who had end-stage heart failure and was ineligible for a heart transplant, the idea of xenotransplantation was suggested to him. 尽管这一方案仍在开发中,但它代表了解决器官捐献者短缺问题的潜在方法。 Although this option is still in development, it represents a potential way to address the organ donor shortage.