议员们警告说,在音乐行业的聚会上,女性经常坐在施虐者旁边。 MPs warn that women often sit next to abusers at music industry parties.
议员们警告说,音乐产业仍然是一个“男孩俱乐部”,性骚扰和性虐待盛行。 MPs have warned that the music industry is still a "boys' club" where sexual harassment and abuse are prevalent. 妇女与平等委员会建议解决厌女症问题,敦促男性改变行为,并确保安全的工作环境。 The Women and Equalities Committee has recommended addressing misogyny, urging a shift in men's behavior, and ensuring a safe working environment. 该报告是在对音乐行业中的厌女症进行调查之后得出的结论,该问题是“普遍存在的”,并呼吁采取紧急行动。 The report follows an inquiry into misogyny in the music industry, which concluded the issue is "endemic" and calls for urgent action.