萨利纳学区员工在哈维县调查中被捕,没有对学生或设施构成主动威胁。 Salina school district employee arrested in Harvey County investigation, no active threat to students or facilities.
周一,一名萨利纳学区雇员因哈维县正在进行的调查而被捕。 On Monday, a Salina school district employee was arrested in connection to an ongoing investigation in Harvey County. 该员工已被拘留在莱克伍德中学,其姓名和可能的指控将在稍后公布。 The employee was taken into custody at Lakewood Middle School, with their name and potential charges to be released at a later time. 萨利纳警察局表示,学区内的任何学生或设施都没有受到威胁。 The Salina Police Department stated that there is no active threat to any students or facilities within the school district.