道奇县学校董事会成员丹尼尔·西格曼被捕。 Dodge County school board member Daniel Siegman arrested.
道奇县学校董事会成员丹尼尔·西格曼因涉嫌携带枪支参加 HoNoR 小学的会议而被捕。 Dodge County school board member Daniel Siegman was arrested for allegedly bringing a gun to a meeting at HoNoR Elementary School. 五份独立报告声称西格曼在与地区主管会面时持有枪。 Five separate reports claimed Siegman had a gun during the meeting with the District Superintendent. 他被指控在学校持有枪支,奥扎基县警长办公室强调了确保学校安全的重要性以及作为民选官员携带枪支的责任。 He was charged with possessing a firearm in a school, and the Ozaukee County Sheriff's Office emphasized the importance of ensuring school safety and the responsibility that comes with carrying a firearm as an elected official.