帕内尔商业协会指控 Kāinga Ora 租户。 Parnell Business Association accuses Kāinga Ora tenants.
帕内尔商业协会 (Parnell Business Association) 指控卡因加奥拉 (Kāinga Ora) 租户在该地区造成犯罪和骚乱,并列举了 11 月和 12 月发生的 40 多起事件,包括抢劫和恐吓事件。 The Parnell Business Association has accused Kāinga Ora tenants of causing crime and disorder in the area, citing over 40 incidents, including robbery and intimidation, that took place in November and December. 该协会表示,它能够将这些事件与居住在卡因加奥拉公寓的人们直接联系起来。 The association said it was able to directly link the incidents to people residing in Kāinga Ora apartments. 该组织已写信给政府,敦促他们对租户采取行动。 The group has written to the government, urging them to take action against the tenants. 帕内尔商业协会总经理谢丽尔·亚当森认为,需要更好地管理租户来解决这些问题。 Parnell Business Association general manager Cheryl Adamson believes that better management of the tenants is needed to address the issues.