米尔堡安妮泉附近绿道的桥梁因大雨而倒塌,暂时关闭了该地区,促使官员优先考虑游客安全。 Bridge at Anne Springs Close Greenway in Fort Mill collapses due to heavy rain, temporarily closing the area and prompting officials to prioritize visitor safety.
米尔堡 Anne Springs Close Greenway 的一座桥梁因结构故障倒塌,暂时关闭了该地区。 A bridge at Anne Springs Close Greenway in Fort Mill has collapsed due to a structural failure, temporarily closing the area. 连接隧道步道和米尔池塘的公路桥发生倒塌,受影响地区已被封锁。 The road bridge that connected the Tunnel Trail and Mill Pond experienced the collapse, and the impacted area has been cordoned off. 公园官员要求居民避开附近地区,直至另行通知,同时评估情况并努力解决问题。 Park officials are asking residents to avoid the vicinity until further notice while they assess the situation and work towards resolving it. 这起事件归因于大雨,可能导致结构破坏,但倒塌时没有人使用这座桥。 This incident has been attributed to heavy rain which may have caused the structural failure, but no one was using the bridge at the time of the collapse.