34 岁的马拉松运动员丹尼尔·费尔兄弟 (Daniel Fairbrother) 在斯蒂夫尼奇为英国糖尿病协会筹集资金时,被警察拦下,他带着一台 25.7 公斤重的冰箱进行训练。 Police stopped marathon runner Daniel Fairbrother, 34, with a 25.7kg fridge for training while raising money for Diabetes UK in Stevenage.
一名马拉松运动员在斯蒂夫尼奇被警察误认为是小偷后被警察拦下。 A marathon runner has been stopped by the police in Stevenage after officers mistook him for a thief. 34 岁的丹尼尔·费尔布拉泽 (Daniel Fairbrother) 背着一台 25.7 公斤的冰箱出去慢跑,准备参加马拉松训练。 Daniel Fairbrother, 34, was out jogging with a 25.7kg fridge strapped to his back for his marathon training. 警车发现了他,亮起了蓝灯,把他拦了下来。 The police car spotted him and put on their blue lights, pulling him over. 当费尔布拉泽先生向警察解释说他正在为伦敦马拉松赛进行训练,同时为英国糖尿病协会筹集资金时,警察与他握手并祝他好运。 When Mr Fairbrother explained to the officers that he was training for the London Marathon while raising money for Diabetes UK, the police shook his hand and wished him luck.