墨西哥斗牛协会通过举办吸引年轻支持者的教育研讨会来反对全球废奴运动。 The Mexican Bullfighting Association opposes the global abolition movement by promoting educational workshops that will draw in younger supporters.
墨西哥斗牛协会正在努力通过举办教育讲习班和展示围绕斗牛繁殖的不同活动来吸引新的追随者,特别是年轻的追随者。 The Mexican Association of Bullfighting is working to attract new followers, particularly younger ones, by promoting educational workshops and events showcasing the different activities surrounding the breeding of fighting bulls. 该倡议旨在对抗由动物保护者推动的日益增长的全球运动,他们寻求废除斗牛,认为斗牛是对公牛的一种折磨。 This initiative aims to counter the growing global movement driven by animal defenders who seek to abolish bullfighting, considering it a form of torture for bulls.