由于欧盟反垄断担忧和监管障碍,亚马逊中止了对 iRobot 的收购。 Amazon aborted its iRobot acquisition due to EU antitrust concerns and regulatory hurdles.
由于不适当且不成比例的监管障碍,亚马逊取消了对 iRobot 的收购提议。 Amazon has called off its proposed acquisition of iRobot due to undue and disproportionate regulatory hurdles. 该交易面临大西洋两岸的反垄断审查。 The deal faced antitrust scrutiny on both sides of the Atlantic. 欧盟委员会已告知亚马逊,由于机器人吸尘器市场竞争受到限制,此次收购可能会被拒绝。 The European Commission had informed Amazon that the acquisition was likely to be rejected due to restrictions on competition in the market for robotic vacuum cleaners.