举报人指控亚马逊通过投资而不是收购像Covariant AI这样的公司来绕过反断法. Whistleblower alleges Amazon bypasses antitrust laws by investing in, not acquiring, companies like Covariant AI.
《华盛顿邮报》获得的举报人投诉称,亚马逊避免了反托拉斯法,因为大量投资于公司而不是收购公司。 A whistleblower complaint obtained by The Washington Post alleges that Amazon avoids antitrust laws by heavily investing in companies instead of acquiring them. 投诉称亚马逊“非法”掩饰这些投资, The complaint claims Amazon "illegally" disguised these investments as acquisitions that would have been blocked by regulators. 它特别提到亚马逊从同业大赦国际雇用关键工作人员,尽管声称只有非独家许可证,但该协会为仓库机器人开发了AI。 It specifically mentions Amazon's hiring of key staff from Covariant AI, which develops AI for warehouse robots, despite claiming to have only a non-exclusive license. 亚马逊认为这符合条例, 但监管者正在调查投诉。 Amazon argues it's within regulations, but regulators are now looking into the complaint.