患者在医务人员的墙上贴满了鼓舞人心的信息。 Patients cover medical worker's wall with inspiring messages.
在佛罗里达州那不勒斯的 Physicians Regional 松岭校区,患者们在 Rose Theadford 办公桌周围的墙上贴满了包含鼓舞人心的信息的便利贴。 Patients are covering the walls surrounding Rose Theadford's desk at Physicians Regional's Pine Ridge campus in Naples, Florida with Post-It notes containing inspirational messages. 因此,墙壁几乎完全被隐藏,这为塞德福德和办公室其他人提供了一个令人振奋和激励的环境。 As a result, the walls are almost entirely concealed, making it an uplifting and motivational environment for Theadford and others in the office.