密歇根州警方调查圣约瑟夫县草坪设备盗窃案,并在卡尔霍恩县埃克福德镇发现一个小保险箱(2023 年 12 月 13 日至 14 日)。 Michigan State Police investigate lawn equipment theft in St. Joseph County and discover a small safe in Eckford Township, Calhoun County (Dec 13-14, 2023).
密歇根州警方正在调查两起不同的事件。 The Michigan State Police are investigating two separate incidents. 在一起案件中,2023 年 12 月 13 日至 14 日期间,圣约瑟夫县一处住宅的草坪设备被盗。 In one case, lawn equipment was stolen from a residence in St. Joseph County between December 13 and 14, 2023. 被盗物品包括一台林肯焊机、一台SF94R斯蒂尔修剪机、杂草和灌木修剪机附件以及一个Hot Shot电棒手柄。 The stolen items include a Lincoln stick welder, a SF94R Stihl trimmer, weed and brush trimmer attachments, and a Hot Shot prod handle. 在另一项调查中,在卡尔霍恩县埃克福德镇的一条沟渠中发现了一个小保险箱。 In a separate investigation, a small safe was found in a ditch in Calhoun County's Eckford Township. 敦促公众联系马歇尔的密歇根州警察,了解有关这些事件的任何信息。 The public is urged to contact the Michigan State Police in Marshall with any information regarding these incidents.