在威斯康星州Manitowoc的空置财产中,在例行检查期间发现的可疑物品被怀疑为受管制物质生产船。 Suspicious object discovered at a vacant property in Manitowoc, Wisconsin during a routine inspection is suspected to be a controlled substance production vessel.
在威斯康星州Manitowoc的空置财产中,在例行检查期间发现可疑物体,据信是生产受管制物质的船只。 A suspicious object discovered at a vacant property in Manitowoc, Wisconsin during a routine inspection is believed to be a vessel for producing controlled substances. 马尼托瓦克市检查部门发现了该物体,当地警方、马尼托瓦克县地铁毒品部门和马尼托瓦克消防局介入。 The Manitowoc City Inspections Department discovered the object, leading to the involvement of local police, the Manitowoc County Metro Drug Unit, and the Manitowoc Fire Department. 刑事调查部安全收集了该物品供进一步测试,以确定物品是否危险,是否与受管制物质有关。 The Department of Criminal Investigation (DCI) safely collected the object for further testing to determine if the contents are hazardous and related to controlled substances.