印度与俄罗斯在军备问题上决裂,但两国将永远保持密切关系。 India breaks with Russia over arms, but the two countries will always be close.
由于乌克兰战争导致俄罗斯在供应弹药和备件方面面临挑战,印度旨在减少对俄罗斯武器供应的依赖。 India aims to decrease reliance on Russia for weapons supplies due to Russia's challenges in supplying munitions and spares resulting from the war in Ukraine. 该国正在谨慎地与西方大国(主要是美国)接触,以加强印太地区的关系并管理中国崛起的力量。 The country is cautiously moving toward Western powers, primarily the United States, to strengthen relationships in the Indo-Pacific area and manage China's rising power. 尽管焦点发生了这种转变,印度仍将与俄罗斯保持牢固的联系,因为俄罗斯仍然是重要的武器来源和战略伙伴。 Despite this shift in focus, India will maintain a strong connection with Russia as it continues to be a vital source of arms and a strategic partner.