韩国济州岛附近沉没的渔船导致两名印度尼西亚船员失踪。 Sinking fishing boat near Jeju Island, South Korea, leaves two Indonesian crew members missing.
一艘渔船在韩国南部度假胜地济州岛附近沉没,三名船员中的两人失踪。 A fishing boat sank near South Korea's southern resort island of Jeju, leaving two of the three crew members missing. 这艘重4.11吨的船只在该岛以南18.5公里处被淹没,海岸警卫队、海军和民用渔船进行了广泛的搜索工作。 The 4.11-ton vessel was inundated 18.5 km south of the island, and the coast guard, navy, and civilian fishing boats conducted an extensive search effort. 一名印度尼西亚水手获救,但体温过低;寻找其余两名船员的努力没有成功。 One Indonesian sailor was rescued but suffered hypothermia; efforts to locate the two remaining crew members were unsuccessful.