一艘韩国渔船在济州岛附近沉没,三名船员中的两人丧生;搜救行动正在进行中。 A South Korean fishing boat sank off Jeju Island, taking two of the three crew members with it; search and rescue operations are ongoing.
一艘小渔船在韩国济州岛海岸沉没,三名船员中的两人失踪。 A small fishing boat sank off the coast of South Korea's Jeju island, leaving two of the three crew members missing. 这艘船载有一名韩国船长和两名印度尼西亚水手,据信由于船体进水而沉没。 The vessel, which was carrying one South Korean captain and two Indonesian sailors, was believed to have sunk due to the inundation of water in its hull. 海岸警卫队和救援队以及海军和民间渔船一直在寻找失踪的船员,但截至目前尚未找到任何人。 The coast guard and rescue teams, along with the navy and civilian fishing boats, have been searching for the missing crew members, but as of now, no one has been found.