2023 年,一名亚特兰大男子在爱达荷州奥罗菲诺连续占领 20 年后,由于逆权占有法,因擅自占地者权利而损失了 10 万美元的财产。 In 2023, an Atlanta man lost $100K property to squatter's rights in Orofino, Idaho due to adverse possession law after 20 years of continuous occupation.
2023 年,一名亚特兰大居民因奇怪的占屋者权利主张而损失了价值 10 万美元的财产。 In 2023, an Atlanta resident lost $100,000 worth of property due to a strange squatter's rights claim. 该男子从已故父亲那里继承了特拉华州的一处房产,但很少去参观。 The man inherited a Delaware property from his late father and rarely visited it. 他不知道的是,一位邻居在这片土地上饲养了一个羊圈 20 多年,根据爱达荷州立法机关的逆权占有法,他们有权拥有这片土地。 Unknown to him, a neighbor had kept a goat pen on the property for over 20 years, entitling them to the land under Idaho State Legislature's adverse possession law.