18 世纪的英国画作《女校长》在半个世纪后回到了原来的主人手中,这幅画与 1969 年由有组织犯罪和一名前政治家策划的犯罪事件有关。 18th-century British painting 'The Schoolmistress' returned to its original owners after a half-century, linked to a 1969 crime orchestrated by organized crime and a former politician.
一幅名为《女校长》的 18 世纪英国画作最后一次被认为掌握在犹他州一家会计师事务所手中已经过去了半个世纪,现已归还给它的原主人。 Half a century after it was last believed to be in the hands of a Utah accounting firm, an 18th-century British painting named "The Schoolmistress" has been returned to its original owners. 新泽西州一名前政客和有组织犯罪成员被指控策划了 1969 年的盗窃案。 A former New Jersey politician and members of organized crime are accused of masterminding the 1969 theft.