以色列露天狂欢场地遭哈马斯袭击。 Israeli Open-Air Rave Site Hit By Hamas.
2012 年 10 月 7 日,诺瓦节 (Nova Festival) 的举办地在哈马斯袭击中造成 364 人死亡,现已成为以色列人和外国人的旅游胜地。 The site of the Nova festival, where 364 people were killed in a Hamas attack on October 7, 2012, has become a tourist attraction for Israelis and foreigners. 游客在悲剧发生地点观看带有照片和名字的纪念海报,向遇难者表示哀悼。 Visitors pay tribute to the victims by viewing the memorial posters with photos and names at the location where the tragedy occurred. 对露天狂欢的袭击仍然是哈马斯跨境袭击中最致命的事件,造成 1,200 人死亡和 240 名人质。 The attack on the open-air rave remains the deadliest event during Hamas' cross-border assault, causing 1,200 deaths and 240 hostages. 作为回应,以色列发动了消灭哈马斯的战争,造成超过26000名巴勒斯坦人伤亡。 In response, Israel launched a war to eliminate Hamas, resulting in over 26,000 Palestinian casualties.