加利福尼亚州在公立学校重新引入草书书写(2022 年),以保护艺术形式、加强教育并培养精细运动技能。 California reintroduces cursive handwriting in public schools (2022) to preserve an art form, enhance education, and develop fine motor skills.
加州从 2022 年开始在公立学校重新引入草书书写教学,以努力保护日渐衰落的艺术形式,加强整体教育课程,并提高学生的精细运动技能和手眼协调能力。 California has reintroduced the teaching of cursive handwriting in its public schools starting from 2022, in an effort to preserve a declining art form, enhance the overall education curriculum, and improve students' fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination. 国家认为,学习草书还可以提供历史背景,提高学生对古典文献和文献的理解。 The state believes that learning cursive can also provide historical context and improve students' understanding of classical literature and documents.