ISRO在Aditya-L1卫星上成功部署了磁力计吊杆,使其能够在印度首次太阳能任务中测量拉格朗日L-1点的低强度行星际磁场。 ISRO successfully deployed the magnetometer boom on Aditya-L1 satellite, enabling it to measure low-intensity interplanetary magnetic field at Lagrange point L-1 for India's first solar mission.
印度空间研究组织(ISRO)已成功在Aditya-L1卫星上部署了磁力计吊杆,使其能够测量太空中的低强度行星际磁场。 The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has successfully deployed the magnetometer boom on the Aditya-L1 satellite, allowing it to measure the low-intensity interplanetary magnetic field in space. 自 2022 年 9 月 Aditya-L1 发射以来,这根 6 米长的吊杆一直处于收起状态,并于 1 月 11 日在拉格朗日点 L-1 部署。 The 6-meter-long boom was deployed at the Lagrange point L-1 on January 11, after being in stowed condition since the Aditya-L1 launch in September 2022. 吊杆携带两个最先进的高精度磁通门磁力计传感器,可测量距航天器主体 3 米和 6 米处的磁场,有助于消除航天器自身的磁场影响。 The boom carries two state-of-the-art, high-accuracy fluxgate magnetometer sensors, which measure the magnetic field at distances of 3 and 6 meters from the spacecraft body, helping to cancel out the spacecraft's own magnetic influence. Aditya-L1 任务是印度的第一个太阳任务,旨在了解太阳的色球和日冕动力学。 The Aditya-L1 mission is India's first solar mission, aimed at understanding the chromospheric and coronal dynamics of the Sun.