新泽西州最高法院驳回了 Ocean Casino 针对 COVID-19 损失提出的营业中断保险索赔,称没有发生直接的物理损坏。 The NJ Supreme Court denies Ocean Casino's business interruption insurance claim for COVID-19 losses, stating no direct physical damage occurred.
新泽西州最高法院对大西洋城的 Ocean Casino 做出了败诉,驳回了其因在 COVID-19 爆发期间遭受损失而向营业中断保险索赔的索赔。 The New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled against Ocean Casino in Atlantic City, denying its claim for payouts from business interruption insurance due to losses incurred during the COVID-19 outbreak. 法院裁定,病毒的存在并不构成此类赔偿所需的“直接物理损失或损害”,这与全国各州和联邦法院的裁决一致。 The court determined that the presence of the virus did not constitute the "direct physical loss or damage" required for such payouts, aligning with decisions in state and federal courts around the country.