1 月 22 日,在纳什维尔一家酒吧进行 TABC 合规检查时,乡村音乐艺术家 Chris Young 因行为不检、拒捕和袭击警官而被捕。 During a TABC compliance check at a Nashville bar, country music artist Chris Young was arrested on January 22 for disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assaulting an officer.
1 月 22 日,乡村音乐明星克里斯·杨 (Chris Young) 因行为不检、拒捕以及在纳什维尔一家酒吧袭击一名警察而被捕。 Country music star Chris Young was arrested on charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and assaulting an officer at a Nashville bar on January 22. 事件发生时,田纳西州酒精饮料委员会(TABC)特工正在酒吧进行合规检查。 The incident occurred when Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) agents were conducting a compliance check at the bar. 据称,杨阻碍了他们的离开,盘问了他们,并对他们进行了录音。 Young allegedly obstructed their exit, questioned them, and recorded them. 他的代表尚未对此事发表评论。 His representatives have not yet commented on the matter.