该激励计划向获得 GED 的南卡罗来纳州人提供 500 美元。 The incentive program offers $500 to South Carolinians who earn a GED.
南卡罗来纳州教育部正在与就业和劳动力部合作,为未完成高中学业的成年人提供 500 美元的 GED 激励计划。 South Carolina's Department of Education is partnering with the Department of Employment and Workforce to offer a $500 GED incentive program for adults who didn't finish high school. 该计划于去年扩大,还通过该州技术学院系统额外提供 500 美元用于短期职业培训。 The program, which was expanded last year, also provides an additional $500 for short-term occupational training through the state's technical college system.