歌手罗比·威廉姆斯的妻子艾达·菲尔德在Instagram上透露,她因不明疾病入院治疗。 The wife of singer Robbie Williams, Ayda Field, revealed on Instagram that she was admitted to the hospital with an unknown illness.
歌手罗比·威廉姆斯的妻子艾达·菲尔德 (Ayda Field) 因神秘疾病住院,并在 Instagram 上分享了她的经历。 Ayda Field, wife of singer Robbie Williams, was hospitalized after a mysterious illness and shared her experience on Instagram. 她戴着点滴和心脏监护仪,对丈夫罗比在整个磨难期间的支持表示感谢。 Attached to a drip and heart monitor, she expressed gratitude for her husband Robbie's support throughout the ordeal. 这对夫妇自 2010 年结婚以来,过去曾面临过挑战,包括罗比的处方药成瘾治疗。 The couple, married since 2010, has faced challenges in the past, including Robbie's treatment for prescription drug addiction.