Robbie Williams' Netflix doc“更好的人”揭露了他与毒品、抑郁和近乎致命的绝望的战斗。 Robbie Williams' Netflix doc "Better Man" reveals his battles with drugs, depression, and near-fatal despair.
Robbie Williams' Netflix纪录片“更好的人”, 详细描述了他与吸毒成瘾和抑郁症的斗争, 包括一个他觉得“死了会更好”的时期。 Robbie Williams' Netflix documentary, "Better Man," details his struggles with drug addiction and depression, including a period when he felt he "would be better off dead." 这部电影以一个CGI黑猩猩作为他的另一个自我,显示威廉姆斯在1995年离开Take That后的药物滥用以及随后的康复期间,包括他在33岁生日的一次. The film, which uses a CGI chimp as his alter ego, shows Williams' descent into substance abuse after leaving Take That in 1995 and his subsequent rehab stints, including one on his 33rd birthday. 他的妻子Ayda Field也分享了她在他的吸毒上瘾的经历,以及暂时分手后最终和解的经验。 His wife, Ayda Field, also shares her experience of his addiction and their eventual reconciliation after a temporary breakup.