凯特王妃因腹部手术住院 10 至 14 天,预计要到复活节后才能返回。 Following her 10- to 14-day hospital stay for abdominal surgery, Princess Kate Middleton is not expected to return until after Easter.
威尔士王妃凯特·米德尔顿已计划进行腹部手术,并表示她将在医院住院约 10 至 14 天,然后回家继续康复。 The Princess of Wales, Kate Middleton, has had a planned abdominal surgical procedure, stating that she will remain in hospital for around 10–14 days before returning home to continue her recovery. 肯辛顿宫最近发表的一份声明,宣布她进入哈利街诊所伦敦诊所,并解释了她随后缺席公职的原因,尽管她在复活节期间之前不太可能返回。 A recent statement from Kensington Palace announcing her admission to the Harley Street clinic, The London Clinic, has explained her subsequent absence from public duties, although she is unlikely to return until after the Easter period. 由于高度重视隐私,白金汉宫省略了有关手术确切性质的具体细节。 With privacy of high priority, the palace has omitted specific details on the exact nature of the surgery.