联邦内政部长阿米特·沙阿的姐姐在孟买一家医院去世。 Union Home Minister Amit Shah's elder sister died at a Mumbai hospital.
联邦内政部长阿米特·沙阿的姐姐拉杰什瓦里本·沙阿周一在孟买一家医院接受治疗时去世。 Union Home Minister Amit Shah's elder sister, Rajeshwariben Shah, passed away during treatment at a hospital in Mumbai on Monday. 结果,沙阿取消了在古吉拉特邦的所有活动,包括在巴纳斯坎塔和甘地讷格尔举行的两场活动,他将在那里主持就职典礼和开发项目。 As a result, Shah canceled all his engagements in Gujarat, including two events in Banaskantha and Gandhinagar where he was to preside over the inauguration and development projects. 拉杰什瓦里本(Rajeshwariben)今年 60 多岁,由于健康状况不佳,一直在孟买接受治疗。 Rajeshwariben, in her mid-60s, had been receiving treatment in Mumbai for an extended period due to poor health. 她的最后仪式于下午在塔尔泰火葬场举行。 Her last rites were conducted at Thaltej crematorium in the afternoon.