印度尼西亚和菲律宾领导人决定加强两国政治和经济关系。 The leaders of Indonesia and the Philippines have decided to strengthen their political and economic relations.
菲律宾总统小费迪南德·马科斯和印度尼西亚总统佐科·维多多在马尼拉进行为期三天的正式访问期间同意加强双边关系。 Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and Indonesian President Joko Widodo agreed to strengthen bilateral ties during a three-day official visit in Manila. 领导人讨论了加强贸易和市场准入的方法,印度尼西亚寻求菲律宾对印度尼西亚咖啡产品特别保障措施的支持。 The leaders discussed ways to enhance trade and market access, and Indonesia sought the Philippines' support related to special safeguard measures on Indonesian coffee products. 他们还讨论了共同关心的地区事件,主要是南海问题以及最近中国和菲律宾之间的紧张局势。 They also discussed regional events of mutual interest, predominantly the South China Sea and its recent tensions between China and the Philippines.