一名男子因破坏安特里姆郡利斯本附近历史悠久的石灰窑而被罚款。 Man fined for destroying historic lime kilns near Lisburn in Co Antrim.
来自利斯本的亨利·普莱斯 (Henry Price) 因毁坏他在 Moneybroom 拥有的土地上的一组 19 世纪石灰窑而被罚款 5 万英镑。 A man, Henry Price, from Lisburn has been fined £50,000 for destroying a set of 19th Century lime kilns on land he owned in Moneybroom. 这是北爱尔兰首次进行此类起诉。 This is the first prosecution of its kind in Northern Ireland. 修复这些窑炉的费用约为 63 万英镑。 The cost of restoring these kilns would have been around £630,000. 此案显示了警方与社区部历史环境司之间的密切合作关系。 This case shows the close working relationship between the police and the Historic Environment Division in the Department for Communities.