丰田汽车计划周一如期重启其在日本的汽车工厂。 Toyota Motor plans to restart its vehicle plants in Japan on Monday as scheduled.
据周日发布的新闻稿称,丰田汽车计划周一如期重启其在日本的汽车工厂。 Toyota Motor plans to restart its vehicle plants in Japan on Monday as scheduled, according to a press release on Sunday. 由于最近能登半岛地震受灾地区的供应商和关联公司,丰田将使用受灾地区以外库存的零部件。 Due to suppliers and affiliates in areas affected by the recent earthquake on Noto Peninsula, Toyota will use parts kept in stock outside those damaged areas. 该公司将在 1 月 15 日后重新评估其供应商的状况,以确定正在进行的生产活动。 The company will reassess its suppliers' status after January 15 to determine ongoing production activities.