德克萨斯理工大学篮球运动员波普·艾萨克斯 (Pop Isaacs) 被指控在红色突袭者队 (Red Raiders) 在巴哈马参加锦标赛时性侵未成年人。 Pop Isaacs, a Texas Tech basketball player, is accused of sexual assault of a minor when the Red Raiders were playing in a tournament in the Bahamas.
德克萨斯理工大学运动队证实,在向第九条办公室提交袭击指控后,波普·艾萨克斯仍然享有良好的信誉。 Texas Tech Athletics has confirmed that Pop Isaacs remains in good standing after referring assault allegations to the Title IX Office. 第九条办公室对这些指控的调查迅速开始,田径队两次通知该办公室,艾萨克斯仍然享有良好的信誉。 The Title IX Office's investigation into the allegations began promptly and Athletics informed the office twice that Isaacs remains in good standing. 无论民事诉讼如何,大学都将继续遵循其程序直至完成。 The university will continue to follow its process until it is completed, regardless of the civil lawsuit.