宝莱坞演员戈文达表示,还没有人与他接洽拍摄《Bhagam Bhag》续集,该片仍在开发中。 Bollywood actor Govinda says he hasn't been approached for "Bhagam Bhag" sequel, which is still in development.
出演 2006 年热门喜剧《Bhagam Bhag》的宝莱坞演员戈文达表示,还没有人与他接洽拍摄这部电影的续集。 Bollywood actor Govinda, who starred in the 2006 comedy hit "Bhagam Bhag," has stated that he has not been approached for the film's sequel. 尽管有关于他参与的谣言,戈文达强调,他将只考虑基于剧本质量和其他因素的续集。 Despite rumors of his involvement, Govinda emphasized that he will only consider sequels based on script quality and other factors. 影片续集以Akshay Kumar和Paresh Rawal为主, Meanwhile, the film's sequel, featuring Akshay Kumar and Paresh Rawal, is moving forward, though it has not yet entered pre-production.