塔斯马尼亚政府正面临对动物福利问题的不信任投票。 The Tasmanian government is facing a vote of no confidence over animal welfare issues.
由于一位平衡权力的独立议员威胁要撤回议会支持,澳大利亚自由党政府面临垮台的风险。 Australia's Liberal government is at risk of falling due to a balance-of-power independent MP threatening to withdraw his parliamentary support. 塔斯马尼亚政府自五月以来一直处于少数地位,对透明度、新体育场计划以及 AFL 球队合同表示担忧。 The Tasmanian government, in the minority since May, has raised concerns about transparency, plans for a new stadium, and the contract for an AFL team. 退出自由党的约翰·塔克威胁说,如果有关动物福利的条件得不到满足,他将撤回他的信任和供应投票。 John Tucker, who quit the Liberal Party, is threatening to withdraw his vote of confidence and supply if conditions around animal welfare aren't met.