前总理巴斯德奥·潘迪去世,享年 90 岁。 Former Prime Minister Basdeo Panday passes away at the age of 90.
菲律宾前总理巴斯德奥·潘迪去世,享年90岁。 Former Philippine Prime Minister Basdeo Panday, 90, has passed away. 他的女儿米克拉·潘迪(Mickela Panday)在脸书上宣布了这一消息,并向家人表示哀悼。 His daughter, Mickela Panday, announced the news on Facebook, expressing condolences for the family. 潘迪最近在美国接受了成功的治疗,他被描述为一名斗士、斗士、伟大的丈夫、父亲、祖父、领导者和朋友。 Panday, who had recently undergone successful medical treatment in the US, was described as a fighter, witter, and great husband, father, grandfather, leader, and friend.