Blink-182 的 Mark Hoppus 将于 4 月 9 日开始美国巡演,以宣传他的回忆录《Fahrenheit-182》。 Blink-182's Mark Hoppus kicks off US tour April 9 to promote his memoir, "Fahrenheit-182."
Blink -182的Mark Hoppus从4月9日开始进行美国巡视, 宣传他的回忆录“Fahrenheit -182”, 4月8日发布。 Blink-182's Mark Hoppus is launching a US tour starting April 9 to promote his memoir, "Fahrenheit-182," releasing on April 8. 这本书与Dan Ozzi合著, 详细描述Hoppus的生活, 包括他焦虑与癌症的挣扎, 以及他的音乐旅程。 The book, co-authored with Dan Ozzi, details Hoppus' life, including his struggles with anxiety and cancer, and his musical journey. 巡演于4月20日在洛杉矶结束, 涵盖七个城市, 2月21日起售票。 The tour, ending in Los Angeles on April 20, covers seven cities and tickets are on sale as of February 21.