邮政局长Louis DeJoy将军计划下台,因为据USPS报告,有两年的财政损失。 Postmaster General Louis DeJoy plans to step down, as the USPS reports two years of financial losses.
邮政局长Louis DeJoy将军宣布,他打算从他在美国的角色上下台。 Postmaster General Louis DeJoy announced his intention to step down from his role at the U.S. 邮政局(USPS)要求董事会开始寻找他的继任者。 Postal Service (USPS), asking the board to begin the search for his successor. DeJoy于2020年上任, 监督财政转折, 实施「为美国服务」计划, 目的是改善服务, 降低成本, DeJoy, who took office in 2020, oversaw a financial turnaround and implemented the "Delivering for America" plan aimed at improving services and reducing costs. 尽管作出了这些努力,但USPS报告连续两年损失。 Despite these efforts, the USPS reported two consecutive years of losses. 他的确切离境日期尚未公布。 His exact departure date has not been announced.