作为停火协定的一部分,哈马斯将释放6名以色列人质和4具尸体。 Hamas to release six Israeli hostages and four bodies as part of a ceasefire agreement.
哈马斯计划在2月22日星期六释放6名以色列人质,并在2月20日星期四释放另外4人,包括Bibas家庭成员的尸体。 Hamas plans to release six Israeli hostages on Saturday, February 22, and the bodies of four others, including members of the Bibas family, on Thursday, February 20. 这一释放是停火协议的一部分,其中包括允许流动住宅和建筑设备进入加沙。 This release is part of a ceasefire agreement that includes allowing mobile homes and construction equipment into Gaza. Bibas家庭,包括母亲Shiri和她的两个年幼的儿子,以前据报已死亡,但以色列尚未证实这些死亡。 The Bibas family, including mother Shiri and her two young sons, were previously reported dead, but Israel has yet to confirm these deaths. 这项交易还涉及释放以色列关押的数百名巴勒斯坦囚犯。 The deal also involves the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners held by Israel. 停火第二阶段的谈判仍在进行中,其中包括更多的人质释放。 Negotiations for the second phase of the ceasefire, which includes more hostage releases, remain ongoing.